The Swedish Partnership for Mental Health, NSPH, is a network of organizations for patients, users and family carers in the mental health field. We see ourselves – patients, users and next of kin – as a resource that is both essential and indispensable for the development of health care, support and treatment in society.
Our aim is to work together so that patients, users and family carers will have a greater level of participation in the healthcare and support services and gain a greater influence on the decisions that are made at various levels in society. NSPH thus focuses on issues as user influence, more patient-centered care and systematic quality improvements within the health services.
This has been a core feature of NSPH’s work since it started in 2007. Strengthening both national and regional networks, with the aim of increasing the pressure for participation in the government’s continued endeavors in the mental health field, has been a major focus the last few years.
Our aim is:
- for society to develop in such a way so that it works better to prevent mental ill health.
- for the mental health services and the social care services to develop in a human, effective and secure way.
- for patients, users and next of kin to be able to have an increased participation in more in health care and support services and have a greater influence at all levels in society.
- for the mental health services to be accessible, democratic and executed in accordance with the rule of law.
- for the mental health services and social care services to have good quality and be based on scientific and proven experience.